Healing Arts

Dr. Kim Engard ND, LAc has been practicing Natural Medicine for over 30 years. She is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Medical Herbalist and Qi Gong Instructor that is committed to healing with natural medicine.


Dr. Kim provides a full range of Naturopathic and TCM services for her patients, which include: an integrative approach with exams and diagnosis, treatment plans, and nutritional support and education.


Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies including moxabustion, cupping, and gua sha techniques. Acupuncture can be used for a wide variety of health conditions.

Botanical Medicine

Dr. Engard has over 30 years of clinical experience in Herbal Medicine and has access to specialty formulations through Wildwoods Botanicals.


Dr. Engard practices acute and chronic / constitutional homeopathy at the clinic with over 20 years’ experience in homeopathic treatments.

Physical Medicine

A wide range of treatments available including manipulation, massage hydrotherapy. All treatments are specialized your healing needs.

Detoxification Therapies

Dr. Engard specializes in Natural Detoxification Therapies that utilize safe and non-toxic herbs and supplements to detoxify Environmental, Microbial and Chronic Diseases.


Dr. Kim Engard is now seeing patients in Arizona and Colorado.

Wildwoods Botanicals – Colorado

Phone: (719) 428-3178
Fax: (480) 247-4619
Email: info@wildwoodshealingarts.com

Lone Mountain Chiropractic – Arizona

Phone: (480) 830-1164
Fax: (480) 247-4619
Email: info@wildwoodshealingarts.com